Let's hope he gets back as I am leaving on vacation in two days and it seems like a catasrophe waiting to happen. I don't care if he ran away outside, my only worry is that my mom might find him before I do or worse, .....Tsevy x x x. Comment by Tsevy? December 27, 2008 @ 1:52 pm. hi i lost my hamter 2 day i av put a bucket out and foood i dont no wot 2 do help ! Comment by shannen ? January 6, 2009 @ 10:03 pm. i have a very good idea and it worked for me ! go on you ...
and please note that each of the sephirah on the so-called "negative" pillar of the tree of life has the word elohim associated with the god-name: tetragrammaton elohim at binah, elohim gibbor at geburah, and elohim btseva/b'oth at hod. ...